eCommerce Day Africa Blended [Professional] Experience

Thank you very much for signing up for the eCommerce Day Africa Blended [Professional] Experience. You will shortly receive an email to be able to access the event from September 20.

Name *
Last name *
Email *
Confirm email *
Phone *
Position *
Company *
Country *
Your gender *
Occupation Classification *
If you work in a company or organization, how many full-time employees are there? *
Your CEO’s gender? *
Please, indicate to which group your position belongs: *
What category does your company/institution belong to? *
Does your company/institution sell online? *
Your main reason to join this event? *
Implement the online sales channel
Boost the sales of my current ecommerce
Digitally convert the physical store
Integrate the offline & online sales channel
Professionalize online business management
Add me as a Seller in Marketplace
Implement Social Selling strategies
Network with people in the industry
Source investors for funding
Engage in ecommerce government policy dialogue
Thinking about your online business, please tell us what are the main challenges you have to solve in the next 12 months? *
Platforms and Technological Solutions
Means of Payment and Fraud Prevention
Fulfillment and Logistics Management
Marketing Digital
Internationalization of my business (Crossborder)
Training and professionalization of my team
Understanding and navigating regulations
Do you want to participate in the thematic workshops? *
Do you want to participate in the Business Case Capsules? *
How did you find out about the event? *
eTrade Alliance partner network
By registering I agree to receive communications about initiatives, news, activities, promotions, events, services, and products from the eCommerce Institute, its partners, and event sponsors. *
I accept the terms and conditions and the privacy policy. *
The form has been submitted sucessfully
Payment correctly processed.
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